As July warms up, more and more young birds come into the garden and onto the feeders, it's near perfect for me, sitting here typing, listening to music, editing photos and grabbing more by just turning my chair.
Young Siskins appeared in July, a few young, still being fed but the majority able to fend for themselves on the feeders and, for such a small bird, fight off any others that might interfere with their meals!

Around the same time, the Tree Sparrows turned up, considering I had arrived at this new home hoping to see a Tree Sparrow, to have young ones coming to the feeders was an absolute joy.

The shot above shows the activity going on in the garden, a young Goldfinch, Tree Sparrow and a Chaffinch all in the shot.

The first Greenfinches also appeared early in July and I was extremely happy to see them. Greenfinches are endangered in the UK so it was great to see a few young ones coming to feed here.

I mentioned the Goldfinches earlier but, for some reason I only got a few shots of the young birds.

The woodpeckers continued bringing young to the feeders, I guessed at three but, couldn't be sure.

Truly entertaining watching these young birds as they learned how and when to use the feeders, one bird, as you see, liked hanging off the fence while it watched.

I'm sure you're realising that there are a LOT of bird photos, many of which I'm not using here, although, where there is a special case, I may dedicate a page to some birds.

Young Chaffinch having a bath
There are also a few birds around that don't quite make it to the feeders but drift by on the outskirts. The Whitethroat can be seen in July, working its way up and down the wildflowers across the lane, I still don't have to get up and go out there to get shots but, I can get closer if I do.

Young Whitethroat waiting for a delivery
You may notice there are no Robins here, no young House Sparrows, Dunnocks? They are around, just not as obvious as I had become used to down in S Wales, not yet anyway ;)

Young House Sparrow having a bath
There was one occurrence, again outside the garden but well worth adding here because I didn't leave the garden to get the shots.

A group (family?) of Red Kites appeared in August, five in total so three young? They spent a week or more cruising the fields around us before heading out into the wilds.