Male Chaffinch on the fence

Female Chaffinch on the fence

Round Robin on the fence

Male Brambling in the snow

Brambling female under the tree

Female Brambling catching the light

Brambling and Chaffinch males

Tree Sparrow in the snow

Male Brambling

Greenfinch male in the snow

Greenfinch male and Goldfinch

Brambling female and Chaffinch male

Great Tit

Tree Sparrow

Dunnock or Hedge Sparrow

Another Brambling female shot

Mistle Thrush

Mistle Thrush on the fence

Male House Sparrow

Tree Sparrow

Robin in the snow

Mistle Thrush portrait

The light in my eye

You talking to me?

Our house in its eye

Foraging under the tree

A clump of Tree Sparrows

Young female Blackbird

House Sparrow males

Chaffinch males and a female

Blackbird male on the fence

Round Robin :)

Blue Tit dangling

Jackdaw on the fence

Opportunist Jackdaw

Blackbird female catching good light

Dunnock or Hedge Sparrow below the window

Long-tailed Tits on the nut feeder

Red-legged Partridge

Finally figured it out

Goldfinch and Chaffinch male

Goldfinch in late sunlight

Brambling and Tree Sparrow

Long-tailed Tit just looking cute