There are several Jays in the woods on the hill and they're often seen flitting between the trees on both sides of the lane and down towards West but, can I get a decent shot of them??? I remember now that the Jays in S. Wales were tame by comparison but I intend to persevere.
In June I managed to get a few very distant shots.
As you can probably see from this shot, one issue is getting between all the shrubs and trees.

If I can get even decent distant shots, they can be cropped to bring the bird closer but, the majority of the time I see them disappearing into the undergrowth.
Admittedly, I have spent a lot of time up there waiting or hiding, maybe I should try harder?
Was back up there the very next day, June 3rd.

I took one of those shots and dropped it to bring the bird closer.

Watching me, watching it
There were a couple of birds around while I was there, one each side of the road, typical eh?

See what I mean about the trees and shrubs?

Caught in the light
I was really lucky with those two shots, the bird stopped in a patch of light.
So far then, that's it but, as I said, I've not really gone up there often enough, made enough effort so ..... into Autumn / Winter, I shall try harder.