September 24th 2024
It's yet another dreich day in Perthshire, there's a breeze picking up but, it's not raining and it's not freezing and it has been a while since I've been up to the reservoir so, I gathered all the appropriate accoutrements and headed for the hills.
I had a stop to make at the bins so I took the top lane, always ready for something to pop up, I had the 'big boy' on the passenger seat next to me as I cruised along, head on a 360 gimbal.
Always expect the unexpected.
I caught a glimpse of something flying off down the lane ahead of me. Didn't I?
I rounded the bend and there's a small gathering of Pheasant in the middle of the lane but ........
I really did not expect to be attacked. Not me, the car! There were 3 or 4 female Pheasant and, rushing towards me up the lane, a semi dressed male, flapping his wings and jumping off the ground as he sprinted towards the car.
I stopped. Grabbed the camera and tried a few shots through the windscreen, I should know better a) it's filthy and b) that never works out so, as he almost disappeared under the bonnet, I opened my window and contorted myself out the drivers side.

He stood there, right in front of the car posturing.

He's not even properly dressed!

But why? Pheasant vs Skoda Yeti? Really?

Aha! Trying to impress the ladies. Makes perfect sense now.

With a final dirty look and wing flap, he strutted back down the lane.

Did you see that girls?

All by myse e e elf, all by myself, don't wanna be ....
Poor soul, headed off into the field as I drove by.