Well, that page was getting a bit long so, I'll finish off the day here :)
Thought I'd start with some group shots to try and show how busy it all got out there.

You can see in those two shots it was all about the Chaffinch with a few Brambling in among them, I counted five at one point.

Brambling male
I know there are a lot of Brambling shots, sorry :)

Female Blackbird
A few Blackbirds came and went throughout the day and it was good to see a female drop by, they must be busy elsewhere just now.

I added the shots above to highlight those beautiful neck and back feathers as well as their colours in general.
Of course, there's ALWAYS Starlings!

Look at that goldfinch at the bottom of the second shot, think it was bullied off the feeder? The Goldfinch numbers have been increasing slowly over the last couple of weeks, always lovely birds to see.
There was also a very brief appearance from a Siskin male, they're drifting back into the area over the last few weeks too.

Male Siskin
You got a brief glimpse of Goldfinches earlier so ...

Goldfinch watching the chaos

Beautiful little birds with a wonderful song but you really have to listen for it. I mentioned the Blackbirds coming and going but difficult to get decent shots off ...... got one! :)

Male Blackbird
That bright eye ring matching the beak is fabulous.
I've also mentioned hide and seek with the GSW? I think it is one of the younger males, maybe from last year, the adult, I think, just dives onto a feeder and eats.

Hide and seek
It's so funny watching this bird as it moves up, down and around the tree, peeping out to see if I'm still there.

Chaffinch male on a branch
Definitely a favourite in the garden, that vista every day as far as I know, is the Mistle Thrush, from rarely seeing one down in S. Wales to every day up close is fabulous.

Another that I've definitely come to appreciate more, again because of the change of location and circumstances is the House Sparrow. From seeing a lot of them every day to rarely seeing them but also mixed in with Tree Sparrows has changed my view of them, lovely wee birds.

House Sparrow female

House Sparrow & Chaffinch
So, it was a busy day, yes, almost done. I want to end this tale with a few final shots of the Brambling looking fab.

No more, thank you :)