So it seems that February was either a quiet month for the 'peckers on the feeders, I wasn't looking much or it was really dank and dreich. Not sure which but there aren't that many shots!

I have this collection of shots taken on the 1st, all of the same male all around the feeders, in the early evening.

All the same bird, within the same couple of minutes, I really should keep notes to remind me what went on and why :)

Female on a feeder

Male on a feeder
The two shots above were on the 8th and 9th of February and that certainly looks like snow in the background on the 9th!

Male & female on the feeders
February 10th I think there may have been an element of feeding up and nest hunting / building going on? I do remember they visited together quite often. My complete guess is that this is the same pair from last year.

Female GSW

Male GSW

I actually keep an eye out for a pair visiting the feeders, to me they have bonded and are preparing for the breeding season.
And that is all I have for February, oddly, again, weather related? I don't remember but fear not, I have plenty photos to go :)