Well, there's a thing eh? I hardly took any photos in February! Can't remember now why and it's not just bird shots but overall, must've been dreich weather.
It snowed in March.
So sprinklings of snow changes things in terms of birds visiting to feed, some appear that would rarely seen.
I feed mealworms as well and the Thrushes, Starlings and Jackdaws love them, mind you, Jackdaws will eat anything it seems
Nice to see Yellowhammers dropping in, they tend to spend most of Spring / Summer out in the fields.
Yellowhammers can all look the same in the Winter months then in Spring the males colour up.
Coal Tits were a bit of a novelty visitor in S Wales. We had a pair of Pied Wagtails around the garden last year and they raised one youngster that we saw, we hoped they'd be back this year.
Blackbirds seem to be around all year just moving out into the fields and hedges during the Spring / Summer months but the colours on a male make them great photo subjects.
I put apples out in the snow, all sorts are attracted to them. Look at the expression on the face of this Jackdaw.
We're so lucky to have GSW, Great Spotted Woodpeckers visiting regularly.
Every now and then, something different appears, luckily I'm here, quite often to capture it but, I'd guess, not always. A Redpoll appeared one day and stayed for a few.
Beautiful wee bird, there are often large flocks of them up at the reservoir when I'm up there.
One of the changes when we moved here was seeing Tree Sparrows at last, there House Sparrows are here too but we don't see them as often and given that I'd hoped we'd see Tree Sparrows, it's great having both around.
Must not forget or overlook the Chaffinches, LOTS of them around :)
So, you can see we have plenty of variety out there, with more flying by, overhead and in the surrounding area, I don't even have to get off my seat at the Mac to photograph these guys though, I do of course!!!!
As with last year, I'm going to keep the young ones separate with their own pages, young woodpeckers are way too cute to be mixed in with everything else. ;)