June 3rd started with a flourish of young birds. June 3rd I spotted a lot of new youngsters, House Sparrows first

First young House Sparrow

First young House Sparrow closeup

House Sparrow youngsters on the fence
The very same day the Tree Sparrows appeared

Young Tree Sparrow waiting ...

Young Tree Sparrow being fed

Young Tree Sparrow being fed

Young Tree Sparrow being fed

Young Tree Sparrow being fed
This is one of my favourite birds, I hadn't knowingly seen one until we moved here, they're quite rare around the country.

House Sparrow youngster on a feeder

House Sparrow youngster on a feeder

House Sparrow youngster on a feeder

House Sparrow youngster on a feeder
We don't usually see that many House Sparrows day to day, they feed out in the fields and hedges.
June 10th saw another group of young Tree Sparrows appear.

The service here is rubbish
The adults would be on a feeder or foraging on the ground whilst the youngsters hung around on the branches waiting.... for now.

That gape, the bright yellow area of the beak, always makes them look really fed up or grumpy.

June 10th - There's a suet feeder hanging up in that tree and pieces drop to the ground below, they soon start to forage for themselves.

Three youngsters fending for themselves

What are you staring at?
I find it interesting how much variation there is over the range of our, quite small country. For example, we saw lots of House Sparrows down in S Wales, we see them here too but not often, they're out in the fields and hedges. We never saw a Tree Sparrow at all down there , they live in our hedge here, which is nice.