I'd seen family of Warblers working their way along our back fence and a gathering of Sparrows over on the wire fence so, time to wander over there and see what was to be seen. I wanted to check on the Barn Owl nest, see if there was any activity, as I approached one of the owls, who had been perched at the front of the box, flew off. Are there young in there?
As I walked across the front of the buildings, all the Sparrows flew off, except for one young Tree Sparrow so, I grabbed a couple of shots, it was only when I looked at them on the Mac that I spotted the wee bonus lower on the gate. A Whitethroat, I hadn't seen any for a wee while.

I can see this area from the house and there are usually loads of birds flitting around, lots of weeds for bugs and snacks. We're very lucky to have both Tree & House Sparrows all around us.

Young Tree Sparrow

Young female House Sparrow
Everything clears off as soon as I walk over there of course so, I set off to walk around the back of the buildings, see if there was anything round there.
Not a lot to be honest but as I got round to the North side, I started to see more birds among the weeds and roofs. There was one little bird that really caught my eye, up on the guttering.

Willow Warbler exploring the guttering

I'm not good at differentiating between Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff but, I'm calling this as a WW, lighter coloured legs!? I watched this bird, or a couple of them working along looking for bugs, great to get to see it for a decent period as opposed to a glimpse then gone.
The pink colouring are the tall Rosebay Willowherb I was photographing through, round, over :)
While I was getting the shots above, something caught my eye almost right next to me.

Wren on a stick
A wee Wren, really close by, a rare opportunity, they never show themselves for long, always flitting about, usually in undergrowth

I managed to grab six shots, four throw aways and these two! Gone! I think I was lucky to get any.
I started working my way along the side of the building, keeping an eye on all the activity around me. The warbler was quite happy foraging along the guttering and keeping an eye on me.

Warbler in the pink
The Rosebay was so tall, there was no way I could see over it but it was also acting as a bit of cover between me and the birds so, a bit of pink in the shots is fine by me :)
I was moving along the line of the fence trying to get clearer shots but enjoying the fact that these birds were quite obliging for the moment.

That was it for that wee bird, off to the barn roof again, so I started working my way back along the buildings.
We've had a gang of young Carrion Crows dropping into the garden from time to time, usually early morning before we're up and about and I'm sure this was them out here too. They remind me of bored teenagers, up to mischief.

The "Gang of Four" Carrion Crows
So I was just on the corner of the fencing when I saw the Crows and then noticed a warbler on the guttering, looked like it was up to something.

It was having a bath!
I took a fair few of that wee bird carrying on, then wandered back round to the front of the shed.