There is not a shortage of Common Buzzards in this area, in fact my lovely lady now treats them as nothing special!!!!

April 2022, we've just arrived and we're out wandering, exploring the surrounding area.

I suppose, at first glance they are big brown birds, hence, Common Buzzard but I've realised now there is such a variety of markings and colouring in them and they are beautiful flyers.

Having a good look

It wasn't long after we arrived that I was told of the possibility of Eagles in the area so, I started looking more often.

They hang in the air so beautifully and those underwing markings can be stunning

Buzzards in the field
In the great Buzzard vs Red Kite event, there were two Buzzards at the outset, one I think of as a youngster.

Catch them in the right light and those colours and markings are beautiful.

Closer look

In black and white

And when they see something interesting ...

I was extremely lucky one day, September 4th 2022, just before lunch, I looked out the back window to this.

On the back fence
Standing on one of our fence posts in the pouring rain.

Look at those eyes

And then it was off!

I doubt I'll get an opportunity like that again but, never say never.

I CAN see you!

At its post
I see them quite often perched all around on the fences.

Keep your enemies close?