June 6th 2024. It's a bright, sunny but windy morning, good conditions for a morning walk?
I sorted out what was being carried, grabbed a few mints, that's become a thing! put on a fleece, because it didn't look too warm and grabbed a light rain jacket ........... looks iffy out there!
Off towards the lane, check the Barn owls in their nest box, quick chat with our neighbour then off. He mentioned a nest he'd stumbled on a few days ago, possibly a Short-eared owl!!??

It was quite windy once clear of the buildings and pretty chilly for June :) I was heading up the hill past the gate before I saw anything really.

This Robin sat up and sang nicely, just for me to photograph, then off! I'd spotted a Chiffchaff a bit further along, with bugs in its mouth yesterday so I lurked for a while but no sign or sound. Neither did I see or hear the Jays :(
I started on along the lane and just randomly decided, I'd head to Pitcrocknie and see this nest, see what's to be seen. So, I started to stride out, getting a good pace going, down the hill and along the road but a Whitethroat caught my attention so I had to stop for a few minutes.

Sitting in a wild rose

Sitting in a wild rose closeup

It has bugs!
Walking along the road, even at the pace I was going, I saw lots of birds with beaks full, lots of babies to be fed, for the most part I didn't bother trying for shots, rather get on and get to Pitcrocknie and take my time walking back but sometimes, something catches the eye or an opportunity shouldn't be missed.

Rook family outing
I've been lucky, yet again to have an adult Rook bring its youngster to the garden for a good feed so seeing a pair of adults with a young one just caught my attention.
Out onto the main Alyth road and almost at the junction, I spotted a Red Kite soaring over a field and I never like to miss an opportunity to photograph them so ....

Soaring Red Kite
But then, this happened!

Soaring Kite over a field

Up comes a Lapwing

Closing in

Gaining height & advantage

Gaining height & advantage - closer

Gaining height & advantage - closeup
Feisty wee birds those Lapwings eh?
And again .....


High and behind

High and behind

Closing in

Going for it

Under escort?
Look at the size difference and the claws on those Kites! It obviously wasn't bothered one bit.
On down the road towards the bridge a Yellowhammer stood up on a post, just for me but, as ever flew on as soon as I raised the lens :)

Yellowhammer in Gorse
Again, on down the road and into the site but, the only nest I found was a Mallard, sitting tight under weeds.

I didn't get too close nor did I hang around too long but, headed back towards the pond. I crossed over the road and down towards the pond, see what I might see, a pair of Grey Partridge burst from nearby, scared me to death! Down on the pond, I could see a Mallard with ducklings and a couple of Lapwings around the banks, that explains the Kite incident I guess.

I did notice quite a few Black-backed gulls in the area, I guess they nest inland too? This looked like a young bird. They'd be interested in Mallard chicks, I'm sure. As I moved towards the pond one of the Lapwings didn't like my presence and started letting me know I was too close.

They really are amazing flyers and their colours are pretty fabulous too, when they're in the right light. I walked around the edge of the pond, keeping my eyes on the ground for nests or chicks then heard a growl / deep gurgle sound.

Male Mute Swan
I hadn't seen the Mute swans until now and the male was letting me know I was close, must be young around.

Four Cygnets dutifully following mum across the water, away from me.
I did one lap of the pond and headed back towards the road but on that lap, I had Lapwing company for most of it.

They really are amazing flyers and as long as I was thought to be a danger to the chick, it stayed above me, calling and trying to distract me away.

I never saw any chicks, by the way!
So, homeward bound, back along the road with the intention of walking up the lane past the ponds. I had almost made it to the bottom of the lane when this lovely male Yellowhammer landed on a fence post in front of me.

I was obviously near the nest as he stayed around but watching me as I wandered by, hopping to the next post and so on.

I don't like to hang around for too long, keeping them away from starving youngsters :)
Bottom of the lane .... there's shrubs on both sides and chirruping angrily at me was another Whitethroat!

I started up the lane, fields on one side a tall mixed hedge on the other so lots of wildlife all around me.

Another Yellowhammer, when we moved back here, it was one of the birds I'd hoped we might see.......... they're everywhere :)

I haven't cropped this shot at all, to make it closer, you can see how close I was to it. Yes there's a long lens on the camera but this bird just sat on the fence post watching me go by. I do know that if you don't stare at them, you're less of a threat?

Still walking, heading up the hill and over to the ponds, I spotted a patch of Fox & Cubs, I think they're gorgeous plants and someone decided they're a weed!

Well, after all that, I got down to the ponds and not a lot was going on at all, in fact I was past them and on the other side when I saw something.

A Shelduck heading towards the old pond. I've seen them around recently but didn't know this is where they were coming to.

Looks like a pair are settling in there, which is great, here's hoping they nest and raise young. There's a Mallard in the area with thirteen ducklings, I haven't seen them for a while but I'm not always down there.

I've cropped the shot above in closer to give us a better view of the two birds, you can see that the bird on the right has the red of its beak up onto its face, the other doesn't. The right hand bird is a male.
Spot the passing Martin! I've tried many times to get shots of the House & Sand Martins as well as the Swallows, it is possible, just not for me, yet :)
So, onto our lane and homeward. Almost 6 miles on a beautiful sunny, but windy day, with loads to photograph and enjoy, what more could I ask?
Hen Harrier? :)