In rolled March, this year is flying by but I'm beginning to believe each year goes by faster! Age?
Anyway, remember last month I said I thought that if a pair are showing up together, they are bonding and preparing?

Just look at the state of him! Head feathers all screwed up, chest and legs filthy with mud. Nest building you think? I remember rushing to get these shots just because of the state of him. So these were on March 8th at 09:53 in the morning.

This male GSW was photographed at 10:15 and he's totally clean so, he's either been for a shower or ......... this is another male!!!! Admittedly his chest is still a bit grubby, maybe just dried out. I started photographing males with an eye on the size and shape of the red patch.

Mrs & Mr GSW and friend

Mr & Mrs GSW
March 10th saw a pair turn up to feed, I'd guess our regular birds?